sarasota county resources
sarasota COUNTY CLERK OF COURTThe Sarasota County Clerk of Court's office can answer any procedural questions. They can be contacted at (941) 861-7400 or you can view their website here. |
Legal aid of manasotaLegal Aid of Manasota provides legal services at no cost to those in need by partnering with local lawyers. Contact their legal hotline at (800) 625-2257 or visit their website here. |
Bay area legal services inc.We believe that access to justice is fundamental to strong, safe communities. Our lawyers, paralegals, and support staff are dedicated to providing free civil legal services to qualified and low-income residents and nonprofits throughout the Tampa Bay area. Last year, we helped and educated more than 17,600 individuals, families, and community groups. You can contact BALS by calling their toll-free helpline: (800) 625-2257 or by visiting their website. |
Lawyer referral serviceIf you plan to pay for an attorney, you may contact the Florida Lawyer Referral Service at 1-800-342-8011 or apply online. |