1 - Have other parent Fill out consent form
This form is to show that the other parent agrees to to the name change for your child.
Have the other parent fill out the consent form by clicking the "Fill out Consent form" button below. The completed form will be emailed to them once they have finished the questionnaire. They will need to print out the form but make sure they don't sign it yet. They will need to sign the petition in front of a notary (we'll take care of that in the next task). |
What does "consent" mean?
A fancy word for approving or agreeing x
2 - have other parent Sign and notarize consent form
The purpose of a notary is to ensure that the person that is signing the form is actually that person. The clerk's office can notarize a form for a small fee.
Is it hard to get to the clerk's office for a notary? There may be other options to have the form notarized. A quick google search for a notary in your area may bring up several options. There is also www.notarize.com that can notarize documents over the internet. |
3 - Obtain signed and notarized consent form
Keep the consent form in a safe place, you will need it when it is time to file the petition.
Can the consent form be filed after I file the petition? Yes, but it is best to file it at the same time as the petition so there isn't a delay. |
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